A birthday fit for a queen
N *almost* had a terrible birthday. She wasn't feeling well Wednesday evening and I kept her home from school yesterday. Usually I would wait things out a day or two before going to the doctor...but I just had a feeling...AND her birthday was the next day. I knew if she needed antibiotics she would be feeling better in time for her 9th birthday - so off to urgent care we went and Strept it was! Straight on antibiotics and well enough to go to school for her birthday (yes that is a good thing!)
I got up early to make her Gluten Free Hungry Jack Funfetti Pancakes that she picked out while getting the antibiotics. Who knew they even made such a thing?! And bacon, gotta have bacon on your birhtday.
2 pics today because it is a special day.
8/366 I love the shadows the fruit made around the plate in the second :-)
