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2 year old girl on white background play
simple 1 year cake smash
pancake smash
simple 1 year cake smash
pancake smash
simple 1 year cake smash
simple 1 year cake smash
outdoor 1 year old picture
simple 1 year cake smash
simple 1 year cake smash
pancake smash
Croft Maternity web4
1 year old cake smash with wooden spoon
baby with rainbow on white background
2 year old paint session on white backgr
2 year old paint smash on white backgrou
2 year old playing with rainbow on white
1 year old girl leaning on stool on whit

Every milestone is worth capturing  Some popular ones are maternity, 6mo, 1yr, 2yr!  Sessions can be shorter, if desired, making a smaller image collection a perfect choice, or as part of a family session.   Everyone knows about cake smashes for a 1st birthday...but have you considered a stack of pancakes and whipped cream?  Or 'paint splash' for a 2nd birthday?  It is such a fun way to commemorate their independence and curiosity at this age and their masterpiece on the complementary canvas is yours to keep!

Have a milestone to capture?  Contact me to see how I can help!

Newborn and Family Photography

Carmel, NY 10512
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